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"Do things the right way. For the right reasons. Good things will follow."

ProNexus Identifies New Hire & Provides Knowledge Transfer

Client: Medium Private College

Requirement: Interim Management Services

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Business Situation:

A local private liberal arts college recently experienced turnover in their Director of Human Resources position.  This is a key position for the College as it is responsible for producing three distinct payrolls and also functions as the College’s Chief Human Resources Officer.  The College was in need of an interim Director of Human Resources to ensure that the three payrolls continued to function without any gaps in service or accuracy, as well as continue to manage all ongoing responsibilities of the Office of Human Resources.

ProNexus Solution:

ProNexus was engaged by the College to provide interim management services, and assigned a consultant with industry experience as the interim Director of Human Resources. ProNexus provided management and support to produce the Student Payroll, the Biweekly Hourly Payroll, the Administrative Faculty Payroll, and the second monthly Biweekly Payroll in the first two weeks of the engagement. In addition, ProNexus participated in the Campus Health and Safety Committee, conferenced with the investors for the College’s 403(b) retirement plan (TIAA-CREF), counseled and coached Line Managers about employee discipline, approved requisitions, new hires, salary increases, presented compulsory training for Sex Harassment Prevention in several sessions for Graduate Assistants, Faculty, Administrators, and Staff and worked very closely with the benefits brokers of record to repair significant problems encountered with the new healthcare and prescription benefits plans. ProNexus has also been actively recruiting to find a permanent replacement for the Director of Human Resources position. The recruiting efforts yielded dozens of candidates, from which twelve were interviewed, four were finalists and one was made an offer. The new incumbent will begin at the College by early September, where ProNexus will provide knowledge transfer, train, and transition the new hire accordingly.

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