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"Do things the right way. For the right reasons. Good things will follow."

Software Selection for a Nonprofit Organization 

Client: Nonprofit
Requirement: Software Selection Services

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Business Situation:

The client is a nonprofit, based out of Brooklyn, NY. Since its inception, the organization has grown into a full-service agency that meets the social and emotional needs of more than 23,000 individuals from all communities.

The client was utilizing an antiquated DOS-based system called Comet provided by Lintech. This package offered functionality around the general ledger, accounts payable and budgeting among other things. Lintech is closing its operations in January 2022 and will not be able to provide further support for its software package.

In addition to the events surrounding Lintech, the client’s management desires an ERP system that will provide better reporting, more informative dashboards, improved budgeting and forecasting capabilities and more automated financial operation workflows. The organization had just started the process of investigating replacement software packages but still had not decided on a solution. The need for this new package was imminent and would require outside expertise in making this decision

Given the circumstances described above, the client’s management team needed to commission a software selection assessment to investigate and provide recommendations on a future state ERP system that would match the organization’s requirements.

ProNexus Solution:

ProNexus was engaged by the client to provide leadership with an overview and assessment of the current state, ultimately presenting a recommendation on a future state ERP system that would match the organization’s needs.

To kick off the engagement, ProNexus met with leadership to identify the challenges and opportunities (immediate vs long-term wins) the client was facing regarding their needs for an ERP system.

ProNexus then completed an assessment that consisted of:

  • Identifying the strengths and weaknesses of several ERP systems,
  • Reviewing how well each system matched the client’s requirements,
  • Measuring the functionality and ease of use, and
  • Comparing the cost and benefits of each system.

Once the assessment phase was complete, ProNexus summarized the data in the overview. This deliverable was a scoring document that clearly identified the top ERP system candidates for the client to choose from. The client eventually chose the ERP system with the highest scores.

ProNexus has made itself available to stay on the project to provide implementation consulting services as needed.


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